I’ve seen some stupid decisions. And I’m not talking those online text formatting mistakes I see every day. I mean, something big. There’s one recent decision I witnessed that one made me physically stand up and declare ‘this is the..
Guaranteed Google Ranking Claims Are BS
Let’s put it simply – no one can guarantee you a top Google ranking. Because… they can’t control how Google ranks websites. Anyone that says they can guarantee a Google website ranking is either: Talking about listing you..
Anchor Text: Mix it Up
Wait a second. It looks like the playing field has changed. In my previous article about the importance of anchor text I recommended using the same anchor text consistently across all your articles and directory posts. I said that over time this..
Autoplay Youtube Videos Suck
Looking to upset your readers? Then you need to set your website to autoplay YouTube videos. If you’re thinking of setting your website’s video setting to autoplay don’t. You’ll be sacrificing readers. Having a video that automatically..
Anchor Text Improves SEO
Links are the currency of the internet. Links create and build reputations, greasing the internet with every click. In fact Google’s all powerful algorithm is primarily based on link authority. It’s powerful stuff. It’s not just..
Elance vs vWorker Review
Elance and vWorker (formally RentaCoder) are the two of the most popular outsourcing sites on the internet. I have used both sites for over a dozen projects, ranging from logo design, copywriting, website coding and graphic design. I’ve been..
What is a Gravatar Avatar?
If you run a blog, or visit other blogs you’re bound to come across comments that users post after articles. This social interaction is to be encouraged, as it strengthens relationships with readers and rewards popular sites with more Google..
Become an A+ Favicon Generator
As discussed in what is a favicon, a favicon is a small 16×16 pixel icon that represents your website. Now that you know the benefits of a favicon, it’s time to get cracking and become an A+ favicon generator. Understanding the Favicon..
What is a Favicon
Have you heard the term favicon before? Or does it make you shrug your shoulders and ask ‘what is a favicon?‘ Well you’ve come to the right place. A favicon is a small little icon (16 x 16 pixels) which represents your website. The..
Paint Net How To Tutorial
It’s time to get stuck into a Paint Net how to tutorial. As discussed previously, Paint Net is a free Photoshop alternative. And a powerful one at that. Now that you’ve taken a minute to download Paint Net it’s time to get in the driving..