Tag Archives: paint net overview


Paint Net How To Tutorial

It’s time to get stuck into a Paint Net how to tutorial. As discussed previously, Paint Net is a free Photoshop alternative. And a powerful one at that. Now that you’ve taken a minute to download Paint Net it’s time to get in the driving seat and gain an understanding of the fundamentals and the basics.

Welcome to the Paint Net How to Tutorial

Welcome to the Paint Net How to Tutorial

Yes, I know the sound of a Paint Net how to tutorial sounds a bit boring, so I’ve tried to keep it as tight as possible. By taking a few minutes now, you’ll save yourself countless hours trying to grasp the basics by yourself. I think this is a pretty good exchange.

Paint Net Video Tutorial: Overview

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After viewing this video tutorial you will be able to:

  • Create a new artwork file and understand  which resolution to select
  • Understand the Paint Net workspace
  • Understand an overview of how to use the Paint Net tools
  • Save your files correctly

In my next tutorial, you will see why using layers in your artwork is so important. Once mastered, you will be able to effortlessly adapt images to any size and situation.

Growing your small business,

David Moloney