Tag Archives: using layers


Using Layers in Your Artwork Makes Sense

To embrace the power of Photoshop or a Photoshop alternative (Paint Net) you need to understand and be using layers. Fortunately, layers are a simple concept to grasp. Layers allow you to independently edit and move separate elements items in your artwork.

Using layers is Recommended in Baking Cakes and Producing Artwork

Using layers is Recommended in Baking Cakes and Producing Artwork

In artwork terms, a layer is best described as a sheet which can house any number of image elements. All elements that rest on this sheet can be edited together, independent of elements that rest on any other sheet. By using layers, it really is simpler to create and edit your artwork.

It’s best practice to have each artwork element on a separate layer. This makes your image editing simple and targeted, and will not effect any of your surrounding image elements. Below is a video which explains the concept of layers and how to use them.

How to: Using Layers

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After watching this video you will:

  • Understand the benefits of layers
  • Understand how to create layers
  • Understand how to delete layers
  • Understand how to arrange layers
  • Understand how to merge layers

Growing Your Small Business,

David Moloney