Tag Archives: perception


Understanding Perception and Reality

Understanding the difference between perception and reality is one of the most important skills you need to not only excel in small business, but to excel in life. It helps you relate, understand the point of view of others and persuade.

Throughout our lives and especially in our formative years we are exposed to thousands of conversations, incidents and transactions that all shape how we perceive the World. This makes us who we are today.

perception and reality

The Gap Between Perception and Reality is Important to Understand

What’s Perception and Reality?

The answer to this question can become quite philosophical, possibly requiring Keanu Reeves. Perception is how someone interprets a situation based on their life understandings. Reality is how the situation actually is, as accepted by the accomplished experts in the field who have access to all the information.

Sometimes We’re an Expert, Sometimes We’re Not

There are some topics we know inside out and others that we wouldn’t have a clue about. For the things we do know a lot about, our perceptions are close to reality. We intimately understand the subject and how to get the best out of it. For things that we don’t know much about our perceptions can flap in the wind, shaped largely by heresay. Edward de Bono is a guru of these perception misrepresentations and comments:

“Most of the mistakes in thinking are inadequacies of perception rather than mistakes of logic.”
- Edward de Bono

Perception Case study

It’s our past knowledge of topics that defines how we approach them. Let’s take a look at how this works.

What are you an expert in? If it’s potato salad, chances are you know the best potatoes to use, the most appropriate green salads to add and the best mayonnaise. It’s a safe bet to assume you can get a good deal on each of these products and get the freshest produce available. You know where to look and you know where to get the best price. You’re a pro. High five me.

In this case you have the knowledge and experience to achieve the best solution. You’re not swayed by other people’s potentially bad advice and you’re comfortable in your decisions. Your perceptions about making top notch potato salad and the reality of making top notch potato salad are closely related.

But visit another environment where you don’t have a lot of experience in, say healthcare, cookware or architecture and it’s a different story. As you don’t have a lot of experience in these areas, you have an information disadvantage. Enter your perceptions to fill in the blanks.

perception vs reality chart

If You Don’t Understand a Subject You Will Draw on Your Previous Biases

Perceptions act as a shortcut to ‘fill in the blanks’ when you have knowledge gaps. Sometimes this perception gives us the right direction, such as ‘trust the man in uniform’ or ‘the woman in that expensive car will order high quality products’.  Sometimes these perceptions ring true. But other times perception lets us down e.g ‘That restaurant is too cheap it must be terrible’,  ‘I love that singer, so her new album is going to be great’ or 9 out of every 10 small businesses fail.

How to Overcome the Perception Divide

  1. You need to admit to yourself that you are not an expert
  2. If there’s time and opportunity, research your topic to get a general understanding of the area
  3. Approach an impartial expert on the subject. Ensure you’re choosing someone who has been there, rather than ‘just knows’
  4. Clarify the information learned by cross checking it online or by posting questions online
  5. Approach the supplier or primary and ask for their recommendations, noting any similarities in the other advice you’ve receive

Now obviously, the steps above are quite involved and would therefore only be suitable for more expensive or high involvement purchases. For lower priced items a simple (but thorough) online search should be conducted to cross check specifications and recommendations. Try adding the terms ‘review’ or ‘forum’ to your Google search to uncover more helpful results.

Growing your small business,

David Moloney
Small Business Planned


Positioning: The Brand Personality For Your Small Business

As discussed in Successfully Choose a Great Business Name, it’s important that your small business has a great brand name. A great brand name will put your small business on the front foot, giving you an edge over your competition.

But a great brand name is only one part of small business success. You also need to be able to support your small business brand name with substance.  Without substance, your brand name is just an empty shell that won’t sustain a customer past their first inquiry.

It’s your positioning that provides the substance for your small business. Positioning is the personality and perception of your small business. Put simply, it’s the space that your small business and brand occupies in the mind of your customers.

Positioning: How Customers Perceive Your Small Business

Positioning: How Customers Perceive Your Small Business

How do I Influence the Positioning of my Small Business?

Notice how the heading is not ‘how do I determine the positioning of my small business’. This is because the perception of your small business is all the minds of your customers. You can’t tell them what they should think of you. You can only influence what they think of you.

Understanding the Perceptions of Your Businesses Category

All industries have perceptions. To successfully compete in an industry, you need to understand these customer perceptions. Examples of industry perceptions include:

  • I don’t understand cars. I’m pretty sure my mechanic rips me off
  • I believe what doctors tell me because they know more than me
  • My insurance is too expensive. Always
  • That service offer sounds too good to be true. There must be a catch
  • That financial company has been around for ages. I trust them more than that new finance company
  • It’s always more expensive to call out a tradesman on a Saturday and Sunday

Do not attempt to swim against this perception tide, it will just end in tears. Instead, acknowledge these perceptions and create a personality and perception which champions a solution.

Understanding the Positioning of Your Competition

How does your competition communicate with the market? How is your competition perceived by customers? Are they fun and lively or conservative and exact? If you note that most of your competition appears to lean towards being conservative, you may be able to differentiate yourself by taking more of a liberal approach.

The Virgin brand typically enters categories which are overly serious and boring. Virgin then uses its cheeky and irreverent personality to differentiate itself. Customers can then decide – choose Virgin or choose Beige.

Whatever positioning you choose for your small business – just don’t become beige. Don’t become part of the wall paper and DON’T copy the style of your competitors.

Alignment with Your Businesses Brand Name

Your positioning must also be harmonious with the brand name of your small business. Nurturing a fun family image will be difficult for the brand name ‘Stone Dark Scotty’s Playground of Doom™’

Visualise the Positioning of Your Small Business Brand

You may have an idea about your positioning, but to really articulate it, it’s best to visualise your brand as a person. This allows you to further develop the layers of your small business brand. It’s a bit like playing the Milton Bradley game Guess Who. Questions include:

If your small business brand was a person…

  • What would its gender be?
  • How old would it be?
  • Would it be married?
  • Would it have kids?
  • Is it an introvert or an extrovert?
  • What would it do on weekends?
  • What would it drink – water, coke, squash, beer, wine?
  • What clothes does it wear?
  • What kind of movies does it like?
  • How does it respond to a mistake?

When answering these questions, you will find that the image of your brand starts to become clearer.  Once you’re finished, it’s best to reassess your brand’s personality based on the category perceptions and your competitors. Is there a harmonious fit?

Do you have a nearby business that seems to have an ‘x’ factor? Why do they appeal to you?