Author Archives: Small Business Planned

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*** DO NOT DELETE THIS PROFILE *** This is the profile of David Moloney, web designer from This profile allows smallbusinessplanned to continually deliver your hosting bonuses. If you delete this profile, your hosting bonuses will also cease. If you have any questions, please email me at


Paint Net How To Tutorial

It’s time to get stuck into a Paint Net how to tutorial. As discussed previously, Paint Net is a free Photoshop alternative. And a powerful one at that. Now that you’ve taken a minute to download Paint Net it’s time to get in the driving seat and gain an understanding of the fundamentals and the basics.

Welcome to the Paint Net How to Tutorial

Welcome to the Paint Net How to Tutorial

Yes, I know the sound of a Paint Net how to tutorial sounds a bit boring, so I’ve tried to keep it as tight as possible. By taking a few minutes now, you’ll save yourself countless hours trying to grasp the basics by yourself. I think this is a pretty good exchange.

Paint Net Video Tutorial: Overview

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After viewing this video tutorial you will be able to:

  • Create a new artwork file and understand  which resolution to select
  • Understand the Paint Net workspace
  • Understand an overview of how to use the Paint Net tools
  • Save your files correctly

In my next tutorial, you will see why using layers in your artwork is so important. Once mastered, you will be able to effortlessly adapt images to any size and situation.

Growing your small business,

David Moloney


A Free Photoshop Alternative

Photoshop is the benchmark in quality image manipulation. It also costs hundreds of dollars. Thankfully there is a free Photoshop alternative that can more than serve the needs of an ambitious small business owner. The free software I recommend is Paint.NET. It’s essentially a super version of Microsoft Paint. Paint.NET was created under the close mentorship of Microsoft developers, some of who still keep links with the project.

A Free Photoshop Alternative: Paint.NET

A Free Photoshop Alternative: Paint.NET

As discussed in where to find a great logo designer, it’s best to leave the important graphic design jobs to the experts. However if you’re looking to produce something straightforward, there’s no harm in developing it yourself. Plus you’ll save a few dollars.

Paint.NET is just about perfect for the graphic design needs of a non-graphic-designer. – Lifehacker Paint.NET review

Benefits of Using Paint.NET

As a small business owner, you’re looking for a image manipulation program that will:

  • Resize images
  • Combine images
  • Add text
  • Crop (cut) images
  • Add basic effects (shading, blurring, red eye reduction)

Paint.NET handles these tasks both intuitively and easily. You can use Paint.NET to create website banners, affiliate banners and product images, all without having to fork out hundreds of dollars – because Paint.Net is a free Photoshop alternative.

Free Download Paint.NET

Paint.NET is under 5MB, so it’s a very small program. I’ve also created a short 1 minute video showing you how to download it, as it can be a bit tricky:

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So Download Paint.NET. Once, you’ve downloaded it, checkout my Paint Net How to Tutorial.

Growing your small business,

David Moloney


Choosing the Best Domain Name

As you start planning and creating a website, it can be difficult to settle on the best domain name. It’s important not to rush into a name. By taking a few minutes to assess your best website name, you can get the edge over your small business competition. Below are key factors you need to consider:

Choosing the Best Domain Name Needs Consideration

Choosing the Best Domain Name Needs Consideration

Your Domain Name Must Be Memorable

Your website name should not be too long, simply because it’s going to be harder to remember and harder to enter without making a mistake. It should also be reflective of your small business name. Opting to name your website when your business is named ‘Harry’s Plumbing’  doesn’t do anything for your brand.

Also, as a general rule it’s also best to stay away from acronyms. So if your business is ‘Pauls Gymnastic Sports Supplies’, naming your website is neither memorable nor relevant.

Know What Your Customers are Searching For

Although the exact Google algorithm is a secret, its well known that Google strive to return the most relevant search results based on a users entry. As an example, let’s pretend there are three dentists with the websites:, and

The Google Keyword Tool tells us that 1.5 million people search for ‘dentist’ each month and 135,000 people search for ‘dental’.

This means that the website has an edge over the other two website, as it contains a more popular keyword.

It’s important to know what your customer’s search behaviour. The best domain name will capitalise on this search behaviour. At a basic level, you can research the online market with the Google Keywords tool. Alternatively, you can get even more tailored industry information with Market Samurai (which has free traffic hunting software). I use the professional version and recommend it.


Should I Just Use my Brand Name?

My view is no. Ideally your brand name already contains your category (such as Bayside Dentist), however if that’s not the case it is worth adding your business category to your website name.

So, if you’re a plumber with the business name ‘Simpson & Son’, consider naming your website or if you’re a florist named ‘Tall Poppy’, naming your website should be considered.

Should I Register a .com or .net?

If you can, it is best to select a .com extension, simply because it’s the default option that customers assume. By adhering to familiarity, your customers are less likely to encounter errors when entering or finding your website. And who wants to construct another roadblock? As a small business owner your aim is to make the whole process as simple as possible.

Your Domain Country of Origin

In addition to registering a .com extention, you also have the option of identifying with a country such as .au for Australia, .uk for the United Kingdom or even .de for Germany. If you have a small business that primarily services customers in a particular country, it’s worth selecting a country identifier. This is a trust factor. Customers in that country see that you’re a local operator – which gives you an edge over other providers that aren’t.

It’s also generally thought that Google gives preference to website’s that are local in local search results.

Tip: If your website includes more than one word, make it easier to read by using a capital letter for the first letters of each word. It’s a lot easier to read than Plus either can be entered into an address bar without error.

Should I use Hyphens and Numbers?

You need to be careful with hyphens and numbers, simply because they can be difficult to explain in all mediums. The best domain name will offer no confusion. It wouldn’t matter if it’s written down or called out loud.

Problems arise when a website contains non-alphabetic characters or references to non-alphabetic characters. Suppose a business was named: Great 4 Lunch

If I heard a friend quote this name, I’d likely think it’s website address was:, when the owner could have registered

Hyphens are also dangerous. As a default, users know to run the words of business together to form a website addresses. People know not to use hyphens. So why complicate the issue and start introducing them? Again, it’s a case of removing road blocks and working in harmony with standard user behaviour – not against it.

Avoid Common Misspellings

Do you have a name that’s commonly misspelt? It can get a bit tiresome having to correct the spelling each time, but at least you’re there in person to set the record straight. In the online environment you get no such luxury. If your website’s name features a misspelling of a common word, it can make it more difficult for users to find your website. Imagine users trying to search for ‘Fred’s Fast Flowers’, but failing to find it because the site name was actually ‘Fred’s Phast Flowers’. Again, reduce the road blocks and apply common sense.

Alternatively if your small business name intentionally playful spelling, think about also purchasing the domain with the correct spelling. By implementing a simple redirect, you get the best of both worlds.

Be Careful Not to Step on a Trademark

So you’ve just developed a great iPhone application or a time saving addition to Microsoft Word. Your excitement knows no bounds as you dream of cashing in on your idea. If you register a domain name which includes a registered trademark (such as iPhone or Microsoft) your dreams of endless customers will soon be replaced with legal letters. Do not register domain names that contain trademarked names. Trademarks are protected intellectual property.

Save Money With Your Domain Name Provider

Just as you can save money with the best website hosting you can also save money by buying your domain name from the right provider. Buying a domain name is not expensive. The heated competition keeps prices to a minium. Once you’re certain of your best domain name I recommend you checkout Godaddy. They offer a great deal on purchasing your domain name.

Growing your small business,

David Moloney


What is the Best Domain Hosting

When creating a website, it pays to select the best domain hosting for your needs. If you secure a good deal, you can rest assured that your website will stay accessible at all times and your wallet won’t leak cash.

There are thousands of domain hosting providers out there. To find the best domain hosting, you need to sort the gold medal performances from the fly by night operators who provide only average service.

Choosing the Best Domain Hosting is Straightforward

Choosing the Best Domain Hosting is Straightforward

Below is video and text outlining the seven essential criteria you need to assess when looking for a website host. This also includes my hosting recommendation – where I name a hosting provider who scores an A+ on every criteria.

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7 Tips to Find the Best Domain Hosting

1. Uptime Guarantee

The best domain hosting provider will have an uptime as close to 100% as possible. Achieving 99.9% is essentially the best you can hope for. This means that in a given month, your website will be accessible 99.9% of the time. The other .1% can be attributable to minor updates or outages which are sometimes out of the hands of your domain hosting provider.

2. Modest Bandwidth Allowance

Your domain host manages the transfer of data between your website and its visitors. Anytime someone visits your website, your domain host will transmit your content directly to their screen automatically. This includes all the text, pictures and sounds. This data transmission is referred to as bandwidth.

If your website features a large number of pictures or downloads, it will place a higher demand on your bandwidth quota.  And once you exhaust your bandwidth quota, your site will no longer be accessible to anyone.

The more bandwidth your website host provides, the more visitors that can visit your website.

3. Modest Website Space

Be sure to read the fine print. Just like the computer files on your hard drive, your website requires disc space. The best domain hosting will offer you a very generous limit (unlimited is the best). Be wary of hosts who only offer a small disc space, such as 100MB. In these times of rich media, this space can be exceeded quickly.

4. Accessible and Prompt Helpdesk

If you’ve ever had a website you’ll know that things do go wrong. Passwords become lost, data gets deleted or servers start deciding that they just don’t want to connect. Most of the time these errors are caused by our own actions (hard to admit I know). To overcome these anxious times you need a website host that will take action at the drop of a hat. After all, you’ve got impatient users waiting. Every delayed minute is harming your brand and your bottom line. The best domain hosting providers are available 24/7 both via phone, email or online chat. This is essential.

5. Cheap Price Hosting

Let’s be honest, you want to spend as little as possible on hosting. Sure, you’re willing to pay a bit for the best domain hosting provider, but not too much. Confusingly, the price of website hosting varies significantly from free (with a few catches) to upwards of hundreds of dollars per month. As a small business owner you should not need to invest more than $10-20 per month to secure a quality website hosting provider.

Read on for my hosting discount code that will save you even more money.

6. Easy Installation

Your website host should provide a hosting interface that’s as easy to use as possible. Installing a content management system should be as simple as clicking a few buttons. Defining email addresses and viewing statistics should be intuitive. You should not need to be tech-savvy to use the back end of your domain hosting provider.

7. Money Back Guarantee

This is a nice sweetener that removes your risk. If a website host offers a money back guarantee you can tell they are a serious provider who puts their money where their mouth is. It allows you to sign up with the hosting provider, then cancel (within the first month) if you are unhappy with the service for whatever reason. Choosing a website host who offers a money back guarantee is a no brainer.

I Recommend the Best Domain Hosting

When I hear stories of business owners paying too much and getting very little it upsets me. If you want the best domain hosting, look no further than Host Gator. I personally use them and advice all my clients to do the same. Check out how they score on the above criteria:

Tick-Bullet Domain Uptime: Host Gator delivers a 99.9% guaranteed

Tick-Bullet Bandwidth Allowance: unlimited

Tick-Bullet Website space: unlimited

Tick-Bullet Helpdesk: 24/7 via phone, email or online chat

Tick-Bullet Cheap Price: Basic plan is $4.95 per month. Outstanding value.

Tick-Bullet Easy Installation: Host Gator’s dashboard is intuitive and includes dozens of email, analytics and installation features

Tick-Bullet Guarantee: 45 day money back guarantee

Plus, if you sign up using the coupon code: smallbusinessplanned
you’ll receive $9.94 off your hosting plan.

So what are you waiting for? Save some money and start getting the service and support you need: Checkout Host Gator

Growing Your Small Business,

David Moloney


Creating a Website For Your Business

There’s no need to be afraid. Creating a website for your business is rather straight forward these days. In fact, it’s never been easier. Besides adding your content, all you need to do is organise three things: your website address, hosting and your content management system. I’ll take the mystery out of each one and show you how it can be done easily:

You Need a Website Address

Also known as your domain name or URL (universal resource locator), your website address is your location on the internet. It’s where your customers find you, either by typing your address into an address bar, a search engine result, or a link on another website. Registering a website address is the first step in creating a website for your business.

Your Website Address Acts Like Your Realestate in the Online World

Your Website Address Acts Like Your Real Estate in the Online World

A website address costs money to purchase, although not very much if you know where to look (psst… check out Go Daddy that’s who I use). Technically, you never ‘own’ a domain name, you are only given the exclusive right to use the domain name for a set period (usually a few years), which you can renew without question.

The website address you choose will be assessed by an approved industry supplier. You have (almost) full control over the website address you choose for your small business. The main website naming guidelines are:

  • You can’t use domain name that’s already taken by someone else
  • You can’t use a domain name that incorporates a trademark
  • You can’t register a site under an eduction (.edu), government (.gov), military (.mil) or other category extension without appropriate authorisation

It’s important that you take time choosing the best domain name. Once you select and purchase your website address, you can’t change it. So choose wisely.

You Need a Website Hosting Provider

Selecting a host provider is the second step in creating a website for your business. Every website must be hosted by a website hosting company. This host will ‘hold’ the content of your website for you. Put simply, a host provider holds all the information of your website (e.g images and text) and makes it available for when people enter your website address.

Your Website Hosting Provider Will Store Your Website

Your Website Hosting Provider Will Store Your Website on Their Servers

Website hosting also costs money and can vary considerably. A bit unsure what to look for? It’s best that you read the guide to the best domain hosting (I’ve used four, but now exclusively use Host Gator, it’s cheap, provides 99% uptime and 24hr instant chat support).

Note: You do not need to purchase your website hosting from the provider you buy your website address from. Plus, you can change your website host provider at any time, usually without disruption to your site.

You Need a Content Management System

OK, now your have a website address and a host provider. All you need is a program that helps you create and edit the content on your website, so you can do all the fun stuff. This program is called a content management system (or CMS for short). Selecting a CMS is the third and final step in creating a website for your business. The great part is; the majority of CMS’ out there are free!  Plus they are really good. Some of the more famous CMS’ out there are Blogger, Drupal, Joomla! and WordPress.

Popular CMS: Blogger, Drupal, Joomla! and WordPress

Popular CMS: Blogger, Drupal, Joomla! and WordPress

I only have experience using  Joomla! and WordPress. I recommend using WordPress because:

Tick-Bullet It’s the most popular blog software available (and therefore has loads of add ons)

Tick-Bullet It’s simple to use

Tick-Bullet It can be easily customised

Tick-Bullet It’s great for search engine optimisation

Tick-Bullet You can make changes wherever you have an internet connection

Tick-Bullet It’s free

If you choose Host Gator for your website hosting, installing WordPress is very easy. In fact it can be done with just a few mouse clicks. Plus the team at Host Gator are happy to help you every step of the way.

Summary: To Create a Website for Your Business

OK, so just to summarise, if you’re creating a website for your business you will need:

  1. Purchase a website address (I recommend Go Daddy)
  2. Organise website hosting (I recommend Host Gator)
  3. Install a content management system (I recommend WordPress)

This may sound scary, but it’s relatively straight forward. Millions of small business owners have already trekked this path before you. You just need to jump on the band wagon. Good luck.

Growing your small business,

David Moloney


What is the Difference Between a JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG and EPS?

How confusing are image files these days? There are JPGs, TIFFs, GIFs and PNGs. If you don’t have a background in image manipulation it can be difficult to understand the difference between a JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG and EPS. Surely there’s not that much difference?

Yes You Do Need To Know the Difference Between JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG and EPS

Yes You Do Need To Know the Difference Between JPG, TIFF, GIF, PNG and EPS

Well yes actually. If you don’t know what you’re doing and you select the wrong file format for your images or logo design, you will end up with a poor result for your small business. Each image format makes tradeoffs between colours displayed, file size and compatibility. The great thing is that knowing which image format to use is straight forward.

Below is a video I’ve prepared which discusses the difference between a JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG and EPS. A summary of the main points can also be found below:

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What is a JPG?

A JPG is an image format that’s capable of featuring millions of colours. Plus it compresses really well, meaning that your file size is a fraction of other file formats. A JPG is a great format for storing images and photos that have a smooth variation in colour. However it’s not great at displaying sharp contrasting edges, lines or text. Principally, a JPG is perfect for online images. The only downside is that its file compression method does reduce the colour and detail of an image.

Pros: Smallest file size, supports millions of colours

Cons: Loss of colour detail, produces fuzzy edges around lines and text


What is a TIFF?

A TIFF is like a super detailed JPG. When you save an image as a TIFF, the TIFF file format doesn’t lose detail or colour, so everything stays exactly the way you need it. The downside to this is that TIFFs usually have a large file size, which isn’t well suited to the online environment. However if you’re looking to save a highly detailed image for print, a TIFF is your best image format.

Pros: Does not lose detail, supports millions of colours

Cons: Large file size, suitable for printing. Not compatible with all platforms

What is a GIF?

A GIF is a basic image file that can only show 256 colours. This 256 colour palette is a set range that cannot be replaced or added to. The great part is that since a GIF is limited to 256 colours, it has great compression, leaving your image files very small. GIFs are also perfect at showing sharp lines and text – a lot better than a traditional JPG. GIFs also get a thumbs up for supporting transparency and animation.

The main downside to a GIF is that you’re limited to 256 colours. If you’re just looking to show an online diagram or chart, then that’s great. However if you’re looking to showcase your logo, be mindful that the GIFs colour representation probably won’t be the best.

Pros: small file size, does not lose detail, supports transparency, keeps clean edges, supports animation

Cons: can only select from 256 colours


What is a PNG?

A PNG file is a relatively new kid on the block. It was originally designed as an alternative to the GIF. A PNG can show millions of colours AND sharp edges without a hassle. Plus it compress really well, giving you a small file size. Thumbs up! This makes it perfect for the online environment. In addition the PNG file format also supports transparencies.

Sounds great so far, doesn’t it. Unfortunately the only downside to the PNG image format is that it’s not compatible with all online programs and applications (especially Internet Explorer 6 or earlier). This means that visitors using non-compatible browsers will not be able to view your PNG files.

I see PNG becoming the online standard as time marches on, however at this moment I can’t recommend it.

Pros: small file size. Supports millions of colours, supports transparency. Good for sharp edges

Cons: online format only. Is not compatible with all platforms, not as well known

What is an EPS?

An EPS is a vector image file. This means that it is scalable to any size you need. The other image formats above are not scalable. This means that if you need to increase their physical size to fit on a sign or a banner, the images will lose detail and become pixilated. An EPS does not have this problem as it’s completely scalable to any size you need.

The downside to an EPS is that it’s a specialist vector image format. Vector images can only be opened in graphic design software applications such as Adobe Indesign or Adobe Photoshop. You will not be able to open an EPS file in standard applications (although checkout my tip how you can preview EPS files)

Overall I recommend using an EPS on any print applications, especially large scale printworks.

Pros: scalable to any size, does not lose detail

Cons: can only be opened by graphic design software packages

And that’s the difference between a JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG and EPS. Drop me a note if you found this helpful, or if you have any further questions.

Growing your small business,

David Moloney


Logo Specifications: Don’t Pay Up Until You Read This

Congratulations. You’ve assessed the work of your logo designer and have settled on a great logo for your small business. But before you sign the cheque, you need to secure your logo design specifications. Taking the time to ensure you have documented all your fonts, colours and files will save you a big headache in the future, should you need to tweak anything in your logo.

Make Sure You Get The Fonts, Colours and Logo Files

Make Sure You Get Your Fonts, Colours and Logo Files


Ensure You Know the Fonts in Your Logo

Your logo may feature one or more fonts. It is essential that your graphic designer documents which fonts they have used and where. Knowing the names of your fonts will make any future changes easier, PLUS you may be able to use the fonts throughout the rest of your small business to aid branding consistency.

Note: Font sets are intellectual property. If you wish to own a copy of a font set you will need to purchase a licence. It is illegal for your logo designer to send you font sets that you have not paid for. It’s simple to purchase fonts through various online font sites.


Ensure You Know the Colours in Your Logo

A paint store classifies their paint colours with enticing names such as ‘pink innocence’ and ‘baby pink”. To create each of these colours, other colours need to be mixed together in just the right combination. Going to the paint shop and stating that you want to paint a pink wall just won’t cut it. You need to know the exact shade of pink.

Knowing and enforcing your exact logo colours is fundamental to your small business brand. Ask your designer to document all the colours they have used in your logo and where these colours were used. Your designer will need to record each of your logo colours across four colour classifications. These combination include:

  • CMYK: A four number classification used in paper based printing applications
  • RGB: A three number classification used in online applications
  • Hexadecimal (HEX): A further online standard, useful for website coding
  • PMS: A worldwide standard classification used (mostly) in non-paper based printing applications

Keep these colour specifications documented in a safe place. A signwriter or web designer may call for them in the future. For example, this patch of pink below is classified with the following specifications:


Example Colour Specifications
RGB: 234,59,174
HEX: #E272AC
PMS: 232C

Ensure Your Logos are in Versatile File Formats

When you first engage a graphic designer, ensure you request that your final logo files are supplied in three formats. This includes:

For Your Website: A web ready JPG file (@72dpi). A web ready jpg is a low resolution picture file capable of showing many millions of colours. Since it’s low resolution, the file size of your logo is kept low. This keeps your website loading as fast as possible. Aim to keep the file size of your website logo under 50kb. The lower the better. If you manage to keep it under 12kb I’ll give you a gold star.

For Your Print Materials: A high resolution JPG file (@ 300dpi). A high resolution jpg shows your logo in all its wonder and clarity. Requesting a high resolution file (@300dpi) also makes your logo compatible with printer specifications – making it a sinch to include on stationery, brochures and product packaging. Aim to request your logo at a decent size (approx 10-15cm in diameter).

For Everything In Between: A vector file (EPS file). An EPS logo file is traditionally used in print based applications. It’s completely scalable to any size you can imagine. Do you want your logo to appear on a 20 metre sign? Or do you have visions of it being flown across the sky on the back of an aeroplane? Your high resolution JPG won’t be up to the task as it’s only 10-15cm in diameter. But your EPS logo will be able to lend a hand with no trouble at all.

Note: EPS files can only be viewed through graphic design applications. But there is a little trick you can use to preview EPS files through Microsoft Word (this was a lifesaver when I stumbled on it). Check out my tip to preview EPS files:

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Artwork Files – It is a good idea to request your graphic designer’s artwork files. Sure, you probably don’t have the design software to use the files, but keeping them allows you to pass them onto another graphic designer in the future. As some designers can be hesitant about handing these files over, make sure you make request this known from the beginning.

Growing your small business,

David Moloney


Elance: Where to Find a Great Logo Designer

Now you’ve identified the benefits of small business outsourcing and enthusiastically downloaded your free logo design brief, we need to switch on our search lights and scout for a great logo designer. Time to do some easy research from the comfort of your chair. Grab a coffee.

Finding a Great Logo Designer is Easy if You Know How

Finding a Great Logo Designer is Easy if You Know How

How Not to Find a Logo Designer

First it’s worth covering how not to look for a small business logo designer. Pursuing these options will leave you staring at mediocre results.

Logo Design Contests Suck

As Jacob Cass wrote in why a professional logo design does not cost $5.00, canvassing your logo design through a logo design contest is counterproductive. As the logo designers who participate aren’t guaranteed funds, their efforts will only be minimal. Upon the close of the competition… voila, a set of substandard logos.

If you want your small business to be represented by a logo that took a few minutes to create without considered critique… head straight over to a logo design contest.

Giving Logo Design To a Relative

Being able to navigate Photoshop by beveling and merging layers does not make your relative a stellar logo designer. Just like cooking a mean roast with a secret gravy doesn’t earn me the title of master chef. Unless you have a relative who is a great logo designer with results, resist the urge to tap them on the shoulder. Also bear in mind it’s harder to give criticism to a relative that’s served you up a half cooked logo design.

Steps to Find a Great Logo Designer

I am a big fan of the outsourcing website Elance. You can post any graphic design project to the site and have thousands of providers compete against one another to offer you their services. And it’s totally anonymous on your part. What an idea! After a small $10 (100% refunded) verifying transaction, Elance is free to use.  Thumbs up!

Below is an overview of the process to post your logo design project to Elance:

The Process to Post Your Logo Design Project to Elance

The Process to Post Your Logo Design Project to Elance

Posting Your Logo Design Project to Elance

I’ve used Elance on over a dozen outsourcing jobs, including three logo design projects. The process is very simple, below is a short video which takes you through all the steps.

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When initially posting your logo design project, keep in mind that your project will be publicly accessible, both at the time of posting and after your project is complete. For privacy, I would advise against publishing your name or identifying details of your small business. Just post a short simple project overview such as:

“Hi, I’m looking for a graphic designer to provide a logo design service for my new small business. My small business operates in the retail industry, focusing mainly on clothes. I require three concepts and a turnaround time of 1-2 weeks. I will supply a full brief upon acceptance.”

Tip: Keep your English simple to avoid confusion as there are some great outsourcers from around the World who use English as their second language.

Once your job is posted you’ll quickly receive interest from many providers from around the World. Some may send you a tailored response to your brief, others may send a standard response. All will indicate a price they are happy to charge to work on your logo design project.

Assessing The Best Logo Designer on Elance

Now it’s your move. You need to choose the best logo designer for your small business project. To do this you need to consider:

1. The responses each provider gives

2. The bid each provider pledges

3. The feedback given on each provider’s past work

4. Each provider’s portfolio

5. Each provider’s skills

I normally develop a shortlist of 2-3 providers after paying attention to their project bid, their response and their feedback rating. After assessing these three items I hone in on assessing their portfolio and skill sets. You should be in a position to make the final decision within 5-15 minutes of assessing the bids. If you’re still unsure, you can even email them to ask them further questions.

Awarding Your Elance Job

Once you award your logo design project, send a congratulatory note to your provider, letting them know you’re looking forward to working with them. It’s only polite, and it sets a good tone for the project. Then you’ll need to send them the final logo design brief along with the timeframes.

If all is well the provider will accept your terms and your logo design project will start. You will then work with the provider via email/MSN or Skype. Good luck for your project. Let me know how you go.

Link-Arrow Check out Elance. It’s free to use and browse

Growing your small business,

David Moloney